Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I drafted this post in February, meaning to come back and make it more robust, but let's face it, I've been swamped.
A few things that have caught my eye recently:

Task Ave: This app adds location element to your to do list. So if you need to pick up dry cleaning, the app will push out a reminder when you're nearby.

UnSocial: Connect via your LinkedIn profile, tag yourself, and this app will connect you to business people in your proximity that you'd like to meet.

Intersect: I love storytelling, so this is right up my alley. You enter a location and can post a pic from their and/or tell a story related to that exact location in the world.


social media melbourne said...

Apparently, gold is the new black. At the recently concluded Lakme India Fashion Week, gold took center stage on the ramp...

social media for schools said...

Great post! I been reading about Task Ave and it's cool! the same with unsocial and intersect!

otepsphere said...

It's simple, but a great start to deeper research.. Now i'm researching about Task ave and view it in youtube for some videos.

iPhone Developers said...

Thank you for you efforts looking for this great list. Welcome to the do follow community I am hoping for a great work from you in the future.

strongmandigital said...

Thank you. Really a great efforts I am even trying starting for the research after reading this blog. Social Media Expert

Social Media said...

Great post! I been reading about Task Ave and it's cool! the same with unsocial and intersect!
Thanks for sharing with us..

Social Media

Sharon Will said...

Oh yes! Social Media has changed the way people lived lives (however, there are exceptions ;))
But thanks for mentioning about Task Ave; I am really surprised why I didn't know much about it.

Sharon @ SEO Services Netherlands

Webdesign Belgie said...

Social Media has proved to be a game-changing concept. Good post!