Friday, February 16, 2007

One of the greatest things to evolve out of the Internet, the global adoption of broadband and more widespread adoption of Internet capable machines by households around the world is the widespread access to a huge number of artists and new music.

For a long time, we were force fed the music that big labels and corporate radio spooned out to us. Corporate rock. Same songs played over and over until they were hits. Napster came along and changed everything. Sure, it wasn't right to steal music without paying artists, but it sure was nice to be able to listen to indie bands who were labeless and on shareware.

Napster died and digital music sites like The Hype Machine were born. I've bought more CD's in one year, because of the exposure Hype Machine gave me, than I may have bought in 3 years of listening to corporate radio. And because of blogs like The Hype Machine, bands like, Clap Your Hands were able to sell hundreds of thousands of discs without the backing of a label. Internet Radio and Satellite radio came out and rocked new music as well. Power to the people!

And of course, video kills the radio star in 2.0. Here's a clip of one of my new favorite artists, Amanda Blank, as she rocks NYC with rising stars Spankrock. And of course, both are Philly artists, yo. (NSFW)

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