Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Ahhhh widgets. Soon to be in 2007, what the word "podcast" was in 2005. Ubiquitious? Not quite. Not "ipod." But up there. Definitely up there.

Here's a clever application.

Appealing only to non-Philly sports' fans, of course. Because a philly sports fan doesn't need a widget to count down to the second how long it's been since we won a championship. It's a mental soundtrack in our heads.

Like Phil Collins in repeat. Ugh.


schrodinger said...


I'm pretty sure I don't get most of your posts, but I get a sad pang when I see your blog now, a reminder that you are no longer here.... sigh!

Anonymous said...

Yes, we understand that 1980 was the last great year for Philly sports.

Still hating Phil Collins. Heh.

Michael H. Sullivan

Social Anniemal said...

Is it really necessary to rub it in?

Anonymous said...

The Phil Collins part? Yes. Your hatred of the bald one is almost as intense as my lust of Chan Marshall.

Side note: the person I told you about likes me. That's the easy part. Now I have to figure out what to do about it.